
Download Adobe After Effect CS5 + SN Full Version Free

March 15, 2011
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Operating system requirement

After Effects CS5 requires a 64-bit operating system.

Trial limitations

Due to licenses of various codecs, several formats are not supported in the trial version of After Effects CS5, limiting some of the features available in the trial. Formats not supported in the trial include AVC-Intra, AVCHD, Canon XF, HDV, and XDCAM. Also, certain formats, such as MPEG-2, MPEG-2 DVD, and MPEG-2 Blu-ray, cannot be exported from the trial version. For details, visit the Help Resource Center.
Some third-party plug-ins, such as Imagineer Systems mocha and mocha shape, Foundry Keylight, CycoreFX, Synthetic Aperture Color Finesse LE, fnord ProEXR, and Digieffects FreeForm, are not included in the trial version of After Effects.

Semuanya ada 13 Part yang berekstensi .UIF, Tapi saya dikasih tahu buat nginstall program ini syarat mutlaknya adalah Windows 64 Bit. Kalo teman-teman mau coba, silahkan download disini :

Total keseluruhan 1.2 GB, bagi teman-teman yang mau mencobanya, silahkan download di atas.

Note :

Untuk Menginstallnya harus Versi Windows 64-Bit, Versi CS 4 masih bisa di windows 32-bit.
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