Time of Application for Spodoptera litura Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus (SlNPV) in Controlling the Soybean Common Cutworm

January 09, 2019
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Time of application for spodopteralitura Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus (S/NPV) in controlling
the soybean: Common Cutworm. Saat aplikasi virus Spodoptera litura Nuclear Polyhedrosis
dalam pengendalian ulat grayak/Arifin, M; Sukardi, E Seminar Hasil Penelitian Tanaman
Pangan Balittan Bogor Bogor (Indonesia) 29 Feb-2 Mar 1992 [Results of Food Crops
Researches : Proceedings of BORIF Seminars]. Hasil Penelitian Tanaman Pangan: Prosiding
Seminar Balittan Bogor/Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan, Bogor (Indonesia) Bogor
(Indonesia): Balittan, 1992 4 ill; 2 tables; 5 ref.

Time of Application for Spodoptera litura Nuclear-Polyhedrosis Virus (S/NPV) in
Controlling the Soybean Common Cutworm. An experiment was conducted in a greenhouse
to determine suitable time of applications for different level of S/NPV concentrations to
control the soybean cutworm. The experiment design used was split-plot with 10 replications.
Main plots consisted of 3 time of S/NPV applications, namely in the morning, at noon, and inthe afternoon, 7:30, 12:30, and 16:30 o'clock, respectively. Results of the experiment
indicated that concentration of 4.10-7 PIBs/ml applied at 500 l/ha in the afternoon was
suitable to control the cutworm. The mortality level of the cutworm at these concentration,
dose, and time of application of S/NPV was relatively high, about 84 percent, and 80 percent
mortality level was achieved in a relatively short time, about 7 days.

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