2. The Effect of Releasing Irradiated Pupae Plutella maculipennis Curtis [Cabbage Insect Pests] on Population Decrease in An Experimental Field

January 12, 2019
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Hoedaya, M.S. and M. Arifin. 1979. The effect of releasing irradiated pupae Plutella maculipennis Curtis [cabbage insect pests] on population decrease in an experimental field. Kongres Entomologi I. Jakarta, 9-11 Januari 1979.

Hoedaya, M.S. and M. Arifin
National Atomic Energy Agency, Jakarta

ABSTRACT.   Pupae of Plutella maculipennis Curtis radiosterilized with 30 krad of gamma radiation were released in an experimental plot of 15 x 10 m2 at Pacet, West Java. Five releases totalling about 9 times the natural existing population, resulted in a reduction of about 38-78% of the field population based on pupae formed. Egg hatch was found to decrease from 98.53% (control plot) to 8.43% (treated plot).

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